Sunday, August 11, 2013

Baking…in Liberia…on the Coal Pot

You’re all probably looking at the title of this blog post and wondering what I’m talking about.  Well, it’s exactly as it sounds.  I have figured out (for brownies, at least) just how to bake something delicious on the coal pot.

I picked up cocoa powder when we were in Monrovia in July and it has been staring at me since.  I knew I wanted to make brownies at some point during my time here, and I figured last weekend was as good of a time as any! 

Here is the set up.  First, you make your batter – classic recipe, just like in the States.  Next, you build a big fire in your coal pot.  Grease the cook pot you’re using, pour the batter in, invert the lid, and put the majority of the coals on the top of your pot.  Place the pot on a small fire for a short time to cook the bottom, then take it off the fire and let the coals on the top do the cooking. 

This is a coal pot - my version of an stove for the next two years.

It takes time to master the technique, if only because the coals on top of the cook pot make things incredibly hot and difficult to handle.  (We burnt through a hot pad while I was at my home stay.)  It was completely worth it, though, and the neighbors loved them!  I even left the ingredients with my sister so that she can make brownies for the family when I’m not there. 

If anything else, it was a great integration activity, and I’m glad I did it.  It also makes me feel better about our lives in Pleebo.  For those hard weeks, we can at least enjoy brownies from home :)  (Sally, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t send me some chocolate chip cookies, though.  Those things are delicious.)  Next on my list?  Bread.  Let’s see how that goes – stay tuned!

Much love,


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